Your Klout score dropped – are you less influential?

why did my klout score dropWhat is influence?

There are many different schools of thought on the topic, but the best definition I’ve seen pertaining to social media influence is by Brian Solis:

Influence is the ability to cause desirable and measurable actions and outcomes.

What is Klout?

Klout is an online tool that claims to measure social influence by defining it in the form of an influence score. They use a host of algorithms and it’s a recent change to those algorithms that has caused many to see a drop in Klout scores. The result is a lot of disgruntled Klout users.

Are you really less influential?

The short answer is no. But the better question is ‘were you really that influential to begin with?’

There is no single tool that will tell you who holds influence within a certain community – so even if you had a high score to begin with you might not have been that influential after all. Influence is social behaviour and can’t be defined by algorithms. Tools like Klout can measure data like the size of your social graph, the number of RTs you get, who RTs you, etc. But they can’t understand the intent behind these actions: how others feel about you and what motivated them to share your content.

Rather than focus on a score, think CREST:

  • CREDIBILITY – How credible are you within the community.
  • REACH – What is the size of your direct & indirect social graph: 1) The number of connections you have + 2) The number of connections your connections have + 3) The number of connections your connection’s connections have.
  • EXPERTISE – Have you demonstrated subject matter expertise.
  • STRENGTH – What is the strength of your connections. Remember, there are plenty of people with large social graphs that don’t invest on building relationships. These people are popular, but may not be influential.
  • TRUST – How trusted are you within the community.
You need to know what elements of CREST are most important to you as you build influence. Is your focus on being a niche subject matter expert? If so, you might have a great deal of expertise, but you might also have limited reach as a result. Do you want to build influence by creating sharable content or by being at the heart of conversations. If the former, you may have a greater degree of trust and credibility but you might have less strength within a community. There are many different types of influencers, but the tie that binds is their ability to ’cause desirable and measurable actions and outcomes’.

My friend, Jessica Levin, challenged her readers to think about better ways to measure success in social media and I echo her sentiment. Spend less time worrying about how a flawed system scores your influence and more time thinking about how you want to be known and how you’ll measure success. 

What do you think?

(Photo via Gipsy Art)