Sponsored tweets – What do you think?

what are twitter sponsored tweetsTwitter’s Promoted Tweets

Twitter’s Promoted Tweets have been around since April 2010. At first, these were available only to a select number of advertising partners, but over the past few months they have expanded their network of advertisers and in the past few days Twitter started syndicating promoted tweets in some user’s timelines. Now, all you need to do is fill out this form (scroll waaaay down to the bottom to access the form link) to apply to become an advertiser.

cvent’s Promo

It was yesterday that I began seeing cvent’s sponsored tweets in the #eventprofs timeline. At the present time cvent is the first and only advertiser in the community. If you monitor the #eventprofs conversation you’ll see how their tweets hold the #1 position in the timeline – even if I tweet after them, my tweet will fall below theirs.

Naturally, cvent is garnering a lot of attention – positive, negative and indifferent. But I struggle with how this concept will scale successfully for Twitter and for those who use it. It remains to be seen how Twitter will roll out this program – their lips are pretty tight on their plans – and it sounds as if they’re doing a lot of experimentation to ensure users don’t become disengaged with their site.

More info on promoted tweets


How do you feel?

So, how do you feel about Sponsored Tweets – a necessary evil or an annoyance?