amp up your event's twitter feed . Superbowl 2010

If you’re looking to amp up your event’s Twitter feed and are bored with conventional aggregators, this event is a beautiful example of art, drama and technology combined.

With high-powered video projectors and their patented video mapping technology, Klip Collective transformed the Art Deco façade of the Edison Hotel in Miami Beach into an eye-catching 3D illusion for the Super Bowl in February 2010. Using light and shadows, the front wall flies away revealing the building’s interior where room-like vignettes transpire. Twitter feeds about fan excitement and Super Bowl predictions appear in word bubbles around the building occupants.

Hired by Anomaly in New York City, Klip shot all content, edited and site-mapped the video projections. Permitting, site selection and custom equipment installation was coordinated and executed by Klip Collective. The site-specific video installation was sponsored by Motorola and the NFL.

If you’ve never heard of Klip Collective or Anomaly NY, well I’m pleased to introduce you. Both agencies shake down the walls of convention. Check out their sites.

Video: Motoblur Hotel from klipcollective on Vimeo.