25 questions to ask a social media expert

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about a growing concern I have regarding ‘The Social Media Expert‘. Social media is not well understood, is over-hyped and there are a large number of people scrambling to capitalize on the buzz. As a marketing communications consultant I very much believe in the power of social media, when done strategically.

25 questions to ask a social media consultant


After my previous post, I received a couple of emails asking for advice on how to determine whether someone is really the expert they claim to be. One of my biggest pieces of advice is to ask a lot of questions. Seth Godin wrote about this recently and did a beautiful job of summarizing what happens when you spend time talking to someone. Essentially, people who have little depth will run out of original things to say very quickly. The more depth, the more layered and educational your conversation will be.

I have put together a very comprehensive list of 6 categories and 25+ interview questions to ask any Social Media Expert to determine their level of expertise and fit for your business. You will be given a link to download your free copy when you sign up for the Sparks of Genius Newsletter.

Let me know your feedback and would love to hear how the questionnaire worked for you. Oh, and if you have any problems with the form below, Sign up for our free newsletter here!

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