10 Ways to Optimize your Facebook Page

Facebook like boxMany businesses use Facebook Pages as a way to talk to, share with and learn from their customers. A clear focus and quality content are key but there are a few minor things that every company can do to take their pages to the next level. No programming or design knowledge required (I promise):

  1. Think about how people will search for pages like yours. Consider using keywords in your page name. I love how these gals incorporated fun and functional words in their  name. Remember, every time you update your page, your page name will accompany your post.
  2. Get a vanity URL for your page. Is this going to make or break the success of your page? No. But it looks a heck of a lot better than the default URL you get.
  3. Use Static FBML to create custom pages (like Welcome, Testimonials, Portfolio, Contests, etc). Why be limited to the standard pages Facebook gives you when you can create pages custom tailored to the needs of your customers.
  4. Tell people why they should join your page (we have a READY2SPARK’S welcome page). The average Facebook user likes 60 pages, groups and events. That’s a lot…but not when you compare that number to the sea of pages out there. So, stand out by telling people what to expect and why they should care.
  5. Make your custom welcome page your default page for new visitors instead of your wall. Think about it kind of like inviting someone into your home. They finally come to check you out. And if your wall is your default page you have them walk into a room full of people having conversations – not very hospitable of you. Greet them with a Welcome page and make them feel, well…welcomed.
  6. Consider using your welcome page as a list building tool (ensure you follow CAN SPAM rules). Using static FBML will allow you to input HTML from your email marketing service provider. See example.
  7. Install the Payvment plugin and turn your Facebook page into an eCommerce site. Bottom line is that your customers are busy. If you make it too difficult (i.e. too many clicks) for people to complete a purchase they may move on without making the sale. Payvment allows your customers to buy without having to leave your page.
  8. Put the Facebook Like Box on your blog or website so that people can easily ‘like’ you page. I’m amazed by how many companies don’t do this. Every time I see a great blog post, I look immediately to see if they have a  Like Box on their blog so I can see their updates in my timelne. And what’s really powerful about this is that when I click ‘like’ Facebook notifies all of my friends. Just think about how many times you’ve discovered a page simply because a friend liked it. Need I say more?
  9. Consider Facebook Ads to promote your page. Ads can be highly targeted based on demographic. And, given that you set your budget, they can be a very economical way of growing your fan base. Instead of simply promoting your fan page, consider promoting an offer. ExactTarget research found that 40% of users ‘like’ a page to receive discounts and promotions, 36% to get “freebies” and 25% to get access to exclusive content. Old tactics still work – giving away a free ebook, exclusive deals or proprietary content still gets us going.
  10. Publish your blog to Facebook (you can also use Networked Blogs)…but PLEASE be sure not to make this the only content you post on your page.

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