The big shift in the events industry

event industry shift

There used to be a distinct divide between the special event, wedding, trade show, conference and meeting industries. Each with their own affiliations and events, specialized publications, distinct vendors and industry figureheads. Sure, there may have been some overlap, but for the most part they were distinct silos on the vast land of the events industry.

The shift

Twitter, Facebook and Blogging have created a shift in our industry.

In a world without social media, I likely would have never heard of Jeff Hurt. I would have happily orbited in my own special events universe; attending ISES, The Special Event Show, Event Solutions and a few other industry events celebrating our own superstars. I would have languished in reading my niche publications and called my close group of industry friends.

But Jeff wasn’t in my Special Events universe. You see, Jeff is a conference & meeting education consultant. But because of his irreverent and smart blog and his constant stream of shared links on Twitter he captured my attention. Jeff didn’t just impact me, he also caught the attention of Event Solutions, a special event publication, at a time they were planning their conference education. Speaking at Event Solutions’ conference awakened a new segment of the industry to Jeff’s knowledge…and so began the smashing of our two worlds.

Not unlike my story about Jeff, I was asked to be a part of Events Asia 2010. Half way around the world, in a country I’ve never been to, a conference organizer was asking her contacts for recommendations on speakers. Two people I have never met suggested that she connect with me. Why? Simply because they had read my blog. I was asked to speak to the event’s delegates and my face-to-face reach, which had until that point been limited to the Western Hemisphere, had now shifted to the East…and so began the collision of our two worlds.

This collision is happening across all segments, all over the world, at breakneck speed. I’m seeing prominent wedding professionals being consulted for conference ideas, conference planners providing technology ideas to special event professionals, meeting planners being interviewed for wedding publications. Social media is challenging our definition of event segmentation.

The events industry is changing and our silos are breaking down. What does this mean to your business?

It likely means:

  • you have more competition than ever before
  • you have more opportunity than ever before
  • good ideas, unique perspectives and having an active voice is more important than ever
  • social media should not be ignored
  • our business models need to change (that goes for individual businesses, affiliations, industry events, etc)