Sunday Spark: Amy Tam on creativity

When I started Sunday Spark, I wanted to hone in on insights that really inspire a jolt of action. As with creativity, inspiration is very subjective. I found this presentation by novelist Amy Tam, filmed during Ted 2008, wonderfully inspiring and refreshingly funny. In it, she talks about how creativity is inspired. As with many other speakers on this topic, there is a belief that creativity is sparked by randomness and ‘the universe’. Although most talks on ‘the universe’ are a bit too esoteric for my taste, the point is that preparedness extinguishes creativity. Amy Tam’s take on this topic and much more is uniquely told by winding her points around compelling stories. I highly recommend viewing this one – it will require 18 minutes of your time to view from start to end.

And for those of you who have picked up on the fact that it is now Monday (not Sunday), I apologize for the delay in posting. I’ve been battling a flu for the last few days. Better late than never!