The Secret to every Loveable Brand

How to go from Transactional to Transformational

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Do you want to know the secret for how to make your brand lovable?

Look, so many brands are mediocre, at best. They exist. They build customers. They’re ok. But it’s more of a transaction. I pay money. I get the thing and I move on.

Then there are brands that are lovable. We want to be a part of them. We rave about them. We can’t wait for them to sell more things so we can buy them. They’re transformational.

So, what makes one brand transactional and another transformational?

One of the best selling self-help books of all times is How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.
I read this book when I was 15 years old. And one line stood out to me more than the rest.
People love to hear their names.
When someone remembers our name we feel respected and important.

How does this apply to your brand?
Although we can individually list the names of every single person in our community, we can leverage the idea behind it.
People feel important when they’re understood.

So, if all you do is talk about your products you are simply a transaction.
If you share your beliefs and values, share stories and lessons, have personality, you’re more than just what you sell.
And you become more lovable to the right people.