My oh my –

Forget lollipops and balloons…I love a good brand.

In between RFPs I’ve been trekking through the world wide web searching for an e-newsletter service that fits our brand. Something premium, stylish and professional. Believe me, there’s a lot of STUFF out there. But when I came across Emma I experience my “aaaaahhh” moment.

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I won’t bore you about all the great features Emma has…it’s really the brand I want to talk about. Despite what some people think, a brand isn’t simply a logo or a name, it’s the collection of perceptions your consumers have about you. So, it’s the way in which you represent your brand through every single touch point that molds and shapes that perception.

I called into their support number to ask a few questions. I spoke with a bright, vibrant lady who answered every question with a smile on her face (even though I couldn’t see her, I could tell she was smiling). I read through their website and actually had fun. I loved the communication style. They actually call you a “person of style” when you sign in. Emma, not a person but instead a brand, has a very clear personality: she’s stylish, she’s smart & savvy, she’s helpful, she’s down to earth, and she’s maybe even a little quirky. In a sea of competitive sites that feel boring, boring, boring, everything about this brand stands out.

As a brand you have 3 choices: BE CHEAPER or BE DIFFERENT or DIE A DUSTY DEATH. So unless you plan on being the cheapest alternative in the market, figure out what makes you different, communicate it and live it.

Thanks, Emma, you’ve reinvigorated my faith in brands.

Oh, and on another note…if your looking to start a newsletter, check out their blog for great tips & ideas.