gaming for the events community

If you thought your days were already full with long work hours, staying connected on social media sites, and, oh yeah, your family, now you can add another item to your schedule: Hotel City.

“Imagine you and your friends had your very own city where the streets were lined with hotels large and small, grand and humble. Imagine if you could start a hotel in the city and call it your own, choosing exactly what size and shape the hotel should be, where the guest rooms should be, where the restaurant should go and who should work there.”

This is the concept behind Hotel City. Admittedly, I haven’t joined…yet. I’ve only seen the Facebook status updates from my friends who are apparently playing this until the wee hours of the morning. The same friends who have been busy harvesting their crops on Farmville. I’m trying to stay strong but it does look awfully fun.

Have you been sucked in? If so, is it worth your time?