5 ways to know . you're stuck in neutral

1. Today thinking
You’ve stopped dedicating time to thinking about the future of your business. Instead, you’re caught up on the day to day tasks. If you’re a junior administrator (which we know you’re not) that’s perfectly OK. But if you’re a business owner, keeping your eye on constantly evolving business threats and opportunities and your long-term business goals is a necessity.

2. Likes-focused
We all have strengths and weaknesses. Things we love to do, which tend to be our strengths, and others that we hate. It’s human nature to spend our time doing the things we like. The problem is that sometimes leaves the things we need to do in the dust.

3. The ‘Word of Mouth’ crutch
I can’t tell you how many great companies I speak with who say that almost 100% of their business comes through word of mouth. Now this might sound like a very positive thing and in some respects it is. It may show that you’ve been able to turn a client, supplier or peer into an evangelist – someone who’s willing to sing your praises to others. However, it also means that your business relies on others to be topline successful. It’s imperative for any business to always keep the pipeline filled. That means proactive selling. Did I send ripples of fear throughout your body? If so, don’t fret – I have a few tips for building business coming soon.

4. Loss of passion
Donald Trump once said, “With out passion you dont have energy, with out energy you have nothing.” He’s absolutely right. The reason you started your business was (hopefully) because you felt passionate about it. If you’ve lost your passion it will make your job of running a successful business so much harder.

5. No Piggy Bank
Did you every have a piggy bank? You dropped in a penny here and a nickel there. One day you realize that you want a shiny red bike. You break open your piggy bank, count your change, and realize that over time you saved enough money! Investing in the future of your business is equally important. To be successful in the future, you have to invest today in: talent, building your corporate brand, improving your products and services, and retaining your good customers – to name a few. Small changes and improvements over time make a big difference. But if you don’t have a piggy bank your business can’t move forward.

Photo via Lee Nachtigal

Lara McCulloch-Carter
Author of the Special Event blog ready2spark
Director of Marketing – Regal Tent Productions
Past-President – ISES Toronto
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