sunday spark: inspiration for event planner parents

Every year I attend numerous awards ceremonies honoring the best and the brightest of the Events & Meetings industries. And every year I hear a similar thank you speech that is told with both a smile and a tear in the eye. It goes a little something like this,

“This award should really go to my husband and my children. After all, they spent every holiday watching me run around planning other people’s celebrations. My weekends were consumed with managing every detail of someone else’s bar mitzvah, wedding, party or event – and not in the stands watching my son play baseball. My family sacrificed so I could be a success.”.

Just about every person in the events industry can relate to this story. As a result, I wanted to share 2 inspiring ideas that will hopefully make these sacrifices that much easier…

An event for the children of event planners

A planner herself, Carolyn Luscombe, President of Eclectic Events in Toronto created an Industry Christmas Party for the children of event planners. She recognized that a Christmas Party just wasn’t a reality for most event planners who run small businesses. Her visions was to create the same kind of holiday work party she had such fond memories of as a child. She donated a tremendous amount of her personal time to make this happen (all with a new 5 month old baby), and the result was an amazing event!

event planner industry christmas party

Read a bed time story…from anywhere in the world

A new platform called Readeo is letting traveling parents connect with their children online to read bed time stories from anywhere in the world. Redeo combines digitized picture books with webcam conversations to allow parents and children to share stories while seeing and interacting with each other.

A BookChat Experience on Readeo from Readeo on Vimeo.

(via Springwise)