Never underestimate the power of a vision so simple that it will fit in a 140 character tweet.
To create a third place between work & home . CEO, Howard Shultz, on his vision for Starbucks
To sell tools that unleash human potential . CEO, Steve Jobs, on his vision for Apple
Human connections that change the way we live, work, play and learn . CEO, John Chambers, on his vision for Cisco
All of these visions have some things in common. They’re focused. They’re emotive (and, not descriptive of products or services). They’re unbelievably easy to remember. To create a vision so simple is anything but easy. But it is powerful.
What’s yours?
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lara McCulloch, Ruth Wikoff-Jones. Ruth Wikoff-Jones said: So true! […]
[on READY2SPARK] simplicity is anything but simple . i –… #eventprofs