I'm leaving . on a jet plane

I’m on my way to beautiful Boracay, Philippines to speak at Events Asia 2010! I’m excited to learn how planners in Asia are using social media for their events. I’ve amazed all of my friends with my shrewd packing skills – little do they know that I’m leaving lots of room in my bag for all of the shopping I plan to do once the conference is over 🙂 And I will be taking as much video and as many photos as humanly possible. I’m not sure how ‘connected’ I’ll be while on the island, but I’ll do my best to post updates from this tropical paradise.

Until I’m back on May 13th, feel free to look at some of the stories I’ve written about over the past 3 years. Heck, why not drop me a line and tell me what topics you’d like to read about.

