Sugru is one of those scratch your head inventions that, heck, you can actually use. Despite its odd name, it’s quite simply a silicone clay that lets you ‘hack’ anything. Lost your glasses’ nose pad? Create one with Sugru. Handle fell off your chest of drawers? Create a new handle with Sugru. In other words, don’t throw it out. Hack it.
Sugru comes in a vast range of colours, is waterproof, flexible and dishwasher-safe once it’s cured. Oh, and it’s also temperature resistant between -60 and 180 degrees C!
So, my creative readers, what could you possibly use this product for?
[New Post] a new product . you never knew you couldn’t live without –… #eventprofs
[New Post] a new product . you never knew you couldn’t live without –… #eventprofs