What lies beyond…

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Doors serve a functional need – whether to keep drafts out or provide security and privacy or create a barrier between the outside and inside worlds. Yet there’s something a lot more magical and esoteric about doors. This becomes obvious when we look at historical architecture. I had the opportunity to do just this during my tour throughout the suburbs outside of Frankfurt and the city of Prague. A delightful smorgesborg of architecture styles – all of which were pitted and weathered with time, the elements and years of war. Yet not once did I look at the doors and think to myself: “Wow, this must really protect the occupants from the world outside!”. Instead, they piqued my imagination to wonder ‘what on Earth could be contained within the walls behind this beautiful door?’.

Doors greet those who wish to enter with an impression of what lies beyond. They create an expectation of status and of design…they welcome, they warn…when they open, they unearth the mystery of smells, sounds and sights you could only imagine when you stood outside. They are the epitome of the crescendo before the climax.

So the question is: Why is the door often forgotten at events?
Whether entertaining a few or a few thousand, create anticipation before they enter your space. Create a crescendo of anticipation, intrigue and imagination. Make them wonder…what lies beyond.