Great idea! PaceTat

I just finished browsing through my weekly Springwise Newsletter and took note of a great new product. PaceTat is a durable transfer that is applied to a runner’s arm displaying all of their marathon and 1/2 marathon pace information. As Springwise states: Existing solutions include paper or plastic bracelets, which have a tendency to chafe and get in the way. PaceTat offers a comfortable and easy to read alternative: pacing guides transferred directly onto the skin of the forearm, like a temporary tattoo. In addition, PaceTat provides a medium to apply an event brand logo.

So, a great idea if you’re planning or organizing a race. But I really think that this idea can branch out beyond marathons. Perhaps a bit out there, but you could have program-tats so guests don’t have to carry around printed programs all night. This might also be applicable if planning a major sporting event where guests can wander around the site (like a car race). Any other ideas?